A year ago today I started student teaching. I was nervous. I was in a student teaching center that I didn't want to be in in the first place and then this placement was given to me after the first one failed. Clearly it didn't seem like God was listening to my prayers that I had been praying to Him asking Him to take me back home to Sigourney.
I was warmly welcomed and overwhelmed by the newness of it all. I met so many new people that it took me a couple of weeks to remember them all. I also met Dustin that day. Honestly, I thought his name was Justin until a few days before he asked me out.
As my time wore on in 3rd grade some days were better than others. That happens no matter what your situation is. Dustin and I were flirting in the halls and talking after school. Finally after 3 weeks of talking to Whit about the cute janitor at school, he got up the nerve to ask me out. We were both nervous. We joke about it now. He was tired of getting shot down, I had never been asked out in this straightforward of a manner.
As I got closer to the kids, Dustin and I got closer too. Early on I decided that my 2nd rate placement wasn't as bad as I feared it would be, and I cried when it was done.
I can't even begin to count up how many prayers really were answered by me being in that placement. I had been praying over my placements for months. God saved me from a lot when the first placement fell through. He gave me soooooo many learning experiences with my 3rd graders, and I also met my soon to be husband, who I had been praying for for a very, very long time.
I've told Dustin many times how I wasn't even supposed to be at that school. I should have never of met him. He just keeps telling me, "Thank God you came." And I do, very often thank God for that turn of events that I didn't understand a year ago.