Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lasagna Layers & Space Heaters

This weekend was the first weekend I had been back to VCBC since New Year's.  I was soooooo ready to go!  Friday afternoon couldn't come fast enough as I worked on homework, cleaned my room, ran some errands and watched the clock until it was time to pick up Jay.  Two and a half hours later, we arrived at camp, just in time for supper.  It was good to see everyone that was there.  I was even able to catch up with one of my JUMP girls.  After supper and dishes, I moved into the Upper AC.  Then it was off to chapel.  The group that came was Faith Baptist.  I knew a couple of kids from family camps.  I took the younger kids to the craft room where we drew pictures, played with toys and played Hide-and-Seek until the parents came back.  When I got back to my cabin, I did notice it was chilly, but didn't know what to do about it, and I knew that I would be fine for the night.

The next morning, I realized that I had a space heater.  Then I found another one.  I just knew it would be a great day when I had Baked Oatmeal for breakfast!  At morning chapel, I told the story of David and Goliath and foreshadowed on the Armor of God.  Those kids were the smartest.  Their favorite song?  Fruits of the Spirit.  We sang it every time.  Sorry, Alison, they didn't want to learn a new song, even if I promised to deliver in coolness!  :)  I've come back for a couple of retreats since leaving camp last August.  I keep learning new jobs!  I hosted a meal for the first time!  It was a good experience, and I enjoy being able to know more about how camp works.  I really had to work on my patience though, I was one of the last through the line, and I had to wait for a long time!  I then thought it was time for me to find someone to get another job.  Debbi told me to just change my apron because I was in the kitchen until 7.  I actually like work in the kitchen during the lower key retreat season.  I love chit chatting with Debbi and Katrina while working on the meal for the camp.  I helped Debbi layer lasagna, cut a bunch of broccoli, made dessert, cooked ground beef and pasta.  I decided that after spending about 8 hours on my feet in the kitchen and dining area that I might need to retire my Nikes.  I headed to chapel and joined in on worship.  They played one of my FAVORITE hymns ever!  It Is Well With My Soul helped me through a lot last summer.  Those weeks where I had particularly draining one-on-ones, campers, or exhausting duties, I would cry out to God and sing the chorus over and over until I was ready to take on another task at camp.  When we sang this song, I realized that I hadn't thought about school since I left the day before and I was at peace for the first time in a few days.

It is well, with my soul,

It is well, with my soul,

It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Chapel group was again a lot of fun.  I don't understand how they still had so much energy, but they did.  They were always saying something incredibly funny and were great at participating in the singing, and the games for a while.  I then treated myself to Puppy Chow and a Pepsi.  I headed up to the Upper AC and turned on the space heaters.  I sat and journaled for a while and was getting stuff around to jump in the shower when the lights and heaters went out.  This happened a few years ago during Senior High.  I found Camie who explained what I should do, but I couldn't get the numbers and switches and stuff to match up on the breaker box.  Camie came and tried to help me.  She was going to call Dave, because she kept hitting the wrong switches, but she tried a different box and I had heat and lights again!  :)

I woke up hating the fact that I would have to leave.  I never want to.  I packed a few things up and headed to breakfast.  Worship and chapel group again.  They still had energy.  One of the boys was only worried about possibly missing the award ceremony for a competition that the group was doing.  I headed back to host another meal.  This group was so appreciative.  They were a great bunch to have and it was so much fun working this weekend.  Cleaning up was a lot of work, but it feels good.  It was sad to leave and make the journey back to campus.  I'm just glad I'm headed back for 4-State at the end of the month!  Hopefully, I'll be able to ice skate!  :)

1 comment:

  1. At least you tried to teach them a new song! They don't appreciate its awesomeness as much as we do. Glad that you had a good time!
