A few weeks ago, Katrina sent out an e-mail asking for volunteers to help with the horses for a couple of weekends before the summer started. I e-mailed her back within a half an hour! I told her I would come the weekend that it was the 4 State Men's Retreat. Little did I know how much of a treat it would be to go then!
I was able to show up on Thursday, granted that I really want to skip my morning classes. It rained the whole drive to camp. That was a little bit of a downer. When I got there, Katrina and I headed to the tack shed to go over the projects that she had in mind for the weekend. There was a lot going on in there! There was a new desk/counter being made, and so all the stuff from the desk was in tubs, as well as all the pieces that needed cleaned and other things that needed sorting. We figured out a way to put name tags on the horse blankets, and we gathered some other stuff up to take to her house to work on. I found out I was staying in Upper AC for the night, so I got all moved in before heading to Katrina's. Peter was at a concert, so it was just Katrina and I with our own little projects. I was working on sewing the name tags on, and Katrina worked on the tie straps to keep the horses at the hitching rail. It was a peaceful time of work and conversation. Katrina made a supper of rice and stuff that she used to make when they were in Africa. It wasn't too wild and crazy, like you might be thinking. It was a good dish though. It made my belly happy! :) When I got back to camp, I settled in for a two hour Skype conversation with my best friend. We giggled so much, and caught up on our busy lives. It was good to talk about some big things that are happening and to tell her that it was very possible that I would be moving in with her family next spring. She took way too many dumb pictures at bad moments, and then proceeded to post them on Facebook. When I went to bed that night, it was still raining pretty steady.
The next morning, Patrick, Daniel, and I all sat an awkward distance apart eating breakfast. Honestly, there is not much conversation with those two! One of the men, Badger, said that he had already been taking his guns up to the shooting range and one of them sounded like a stick of dynamite went off. When he said that, all I could think of was how the horses were going to react to the extra loud noise! I met up with Katrina, and I got going on sewing the name tags on the blankets. It was kind of chilly, so after a couple hours of sewing mixed with the chilly air, my fingers were stiff! About the time I quit that project, Katrina came and we got Buddy and Petey saddled up and went to figure out pastures, check some fences, and see how much damage the beavers have done. That's right. There are beavers in the crick! No sightings, but they have a great dam built! Sturdy too! It's been used as a bridge by some. With this ride, I got so see camp from views that I hadn't before. Before lunch, I attempted to do another blanket, but I got the needle stuck! I even got a radio for a couple of days! I actually got radioed as well! Before lunch was served, I just sat journaling and listening to the men swap stories. I was so fun to listen to! After lunch, I borrowed Daniel's pliers to help with the sewing. I took a few more stitches and then the needle broke. Thus, that project was at a standstill. Soon after, I was called to help in the kitchen for just a bit. I finished mixing up and baking a few pans of Monster Cookies. I then found out I was to move to 602. 602. A cabin where I spent two wonderful weeks as a JUMP leader. I love those early morning walks to the bath house. I was hoping to see some deer, but no such luck this weekend. I finished up some more organizing in the tack shed before supper. It was a good ol' campfire with hotdogs and lemonade! So, so good! Many of the men kept asking about Terry Baxter. They talked about past retreats and how his speaking had radically changed their lives. It was so encouraging to hear. Soon, we got to meet the Hedstrom's. They are a great group of people, and some hard workers! We walked around and saw the horses, and where the fence would be built. During a time of devotion as a group, we spent a lot of time in prayer for the herd and the horse program. I spent some time at the campfire talking to Daniel, Dakota and Jonathan before heading to bed. The stars were so glittery in the sky that night!
The next morning, the frost had captured the dandelions in beautiful light!
After breakfast, we got the horses in, groomed, saddled, bridled, and then we got to ride! :) My first horse of the day was Max. This was a new experience because he wears a hackamore, and not a bit. He was a good horse to ride. I also got to ride Prince. Prince is one of the three new horses at camp. He is HUGE! Things went pretty well. I can continue to feel myself gaining confidence as I continue to not only ride, but ride different horses. After lunch was the trail rides. I rode Scout for the first one. He rode very well for me. It was a BEAUTIFUL afternoon for a ride. The wildflowers were all abloom, and the colors were stunning! I just love to enjoy creation, but most especially, the One who created. I again saw new places of camp. The next trail ride, everyone went, and I stayed behind. I got a lot more things sorted. I also had to catch Prince who had managed to shimmy out of his halter. We got some more things cleaned up before riding again. I was the brave one who took on Bear. He was a little antsy since he had been standing at the rail all day. He liked to swing his head back pretty far, but a few minutes in, he quit that, and it ended up being a good ride in the arena. Honestly, I love the Men's Retreat! They have steak dinners! :) I had a HUG+E supper, and my belly was EXTRA happy! Toby was beside me at the table. What a hoot! He refuses to remember my name. Sam and Dani pepper me with the, "Why?" questions every time I am at camp. After that meal, I was ready to hit the hay!
The lights went out at 9:45, and I slept until 6:45. I walked out and it was warmer! After breakfast, we got the horses in, groomed and saddled. We were headed out on the trails again! This time, I was on Tate. Tate is one tall horse! Today, we went up to the high trails after the low trails. Some more new sights to behold. Such beauty off the beaten path. I will need to keep some spots in mind for berries this summer! When we got back, it was time for brunch and good byes. I couldn't leave without taking a picture with Badger though!
It was a wonderful weekend of hard work and hardy laughs. A weekend that I won't soon forget! :)
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