Sunday, December 18, 2011

National Blue and Corn Gold

I finally finished it.  I've been out of high school for almost 3 years, and I finally finished my FFA scrapbook.

As I looked through those pages last night, I remembered all of the fun times that I had and how many memories each item in my scrapbook holds.  I saved so much!  I even dug in the pockets of my blue corduroy jacket the other night and found contest line-ups from freshman year, a voting pencil from being a delegate, $4, and my scarf.  I'm secretly glad I no longer have to wear that corduroy jacket and scarf.

I saved my acceptance letter from when I was a Grandstand Usher at the State Fair, along with my ID.

That started off my last great year as an active FFA member.  Senior year, I was very busy.  That year, I was the president of our chapter.  I spent a lot of time working on my Iowa Degree.  Lots of paperwork in that.  Every year before State Convention rolled around, my grandpa would always tell me stories of when he would go to conventions and the pranks that got pulled and that he would help pull.  Don't worry, I never repeated any of them!

One of my favorite moments of that year was the Annual Banquet.  I had a bigger part in the spotlight than the year before, and I was a little nervous.  It was a lot of fun and went off without a hitch.  I managed to save the script that I read from at the podium that night.

Yeah, my FFA days are over, but looking back on the countless meetings, livestock shows, judging contests, contests, petting zoos and conventions, I smile and think about all the work everyone did and what I learned along the way.  I think I'll live by the motto no matter my membership status.

Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve.

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