- So many times this month, I've heard comments from teachers about how we're coming to the end of our program, disappointment from Whit about not being able to do a Spring Break trip next year due to student teaching, and questions from my parents and everyone else about where I plan on starting out with a big kid job. Honestly, I'm soooooooooooo ready to be done with school, but at the same time, I'm just not quite ready to grasp the fact that I am growing up and have to get a real big kid job next year.
- I did not want to come back to school. I hate living up here. I'm not a city/town girl. Never have been, and if God leads me to live in this sort of environment, He'll have to help me with some heart work. I have been really homesick for the open spaces of the farm this month. I've missed being able to see Ruby every day and being able to see my grandparents whenever I want to.
- Early this month, I sadly realized that Strupp autocorrects to Stupid.
- I was able to bring in the new year at one of my favorite places on Earth, VCBC! It was great to bring in the year praising God and celebrating with amazing people.
- I got to spend the week before school with my best friend. I taught her how to sew. It was so good to spend so much time with her when we hadn't been able to do that for a while. She was a pretty good student. :)
- I finally got a new computer and with it comes Skype! I am NOT phone person. I don't even have texting and I don't care to use Facebook chat. I love being able to Skype! It's practically the next best thing to being with an actual person.
- This is one of my last 2 full semesters here at UNI and I have gotten a lot of information about student teaching. This makes me feel really good. Yeah, I talked about growing up as a low above, but the fact that I've come so far in my education and that I'm almost "ready" to be a teacher is a great feeling!
- One day, I received a very excited voice mail from my momma. I had been dreading this particular Tuesday just a little bit, but Momma said that she was in and out of her appointment before her scheduled time! Momma is coming up on 3 years of her last round of chemo. After 2 years, her chances of having the cancer return, drops; every year after that, it continues to drop. Her chances will never completely go away, but the more years the better! :)
- Today, I finished reading the ENTIRE Bible! I started reading the Bible in one year, last February. It has a been a remarkable year. I've learned so much, read stories I had never read before, met new people in these pages, and learned many new things about passages that I've read before.
All things considered, dear January, you were a pretty great way to start the year. :)
"He makes every ordinary moment extraordinary. He sees every mistake and makes a masterpiece from it."
Favorite picture from January