Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday pick-me-ups

Usually, people cry about Mondays.  You won't hear me crying this semester about them!  First off, I don't have class until 4.  Secondly, I get to start Monday at 9:45 with Bible Study!  :)  Yeah, some of you might have doubts about how I could truly be happy about this plan, but really, it's the best!  It's about more than Jenny always having something good to eat, or being able to see everyone.  It's really about how we have the opportunities to share about what's been going on in our lives, how we've seen God working and what He's been teaching us and being able to share praises and prayer requests that we have.

Sometimes we cry, lots of times we laugh, we ALWAYS talk, but mostly we come ready to bear our hearts with things that have been weighing on them, or lifting them up.  It's about connections too.  Sometimes, I think I'm the only one who's going through a particular situation, and then someone shares almost the exact same story.  It's kinda crazy how God works sometimes.

God has blessed me in a big way with Mondays!  :)

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