Looking back now, it makes me laugh
Why did I not know how to do anything with my hair other than to wear it in a ponytail until after 10th grade?
Why did I agree to take a blind date to Junior prom when he was just a big cootie? I'm glad I don't have any pictures of that one! The memories are enough!
Why did I chase after that guy for so long? Why did it take so long for me to see things clearly?
Why did I always think that I was going to miss something if I wasn't always hanging out with my classmates?
Why didn't I tell that classmate what truly made me happy when he asked me?
Why did I let some of that drama get to me?
What the heck was I thinking when I took the presidential race for the FFA so seriously?
Why was I always so scared of the ball in basketball and softball?
Why didn't I quit softball sooner?
Why did it take me so long to stop making stupid faces in pictures?
Why did I wear a smelly blanket around my last day of senior year?
High school was an interesting journey. I got locked out of Driscoll's class once, and kicked out of Shafranek's. Luckily, I had just as much fun in the shop as the classroom! I, along with a lot of my classmates, spent our last night as high school students, camping out on the front lawn of the school. I was the one who always got picked on in basketball because I was THE WORST player on our team. I was the best benchwarmer at both. Almost every week at Bible Study I was crying, literally, about something good or extremely challenging that had happened to me that week.
I wish I would have recognized my priorities sooner, but who doesn't have that wish? There are a few minor things that if I could go back and change, I would. I would have stuck up for my friend instead of sitting there in silence. I would not have gotten in the truck with my classmate who had had a few, unbeknownst to me. I would have begun to invest in the younger side of our youth group a lot sooner than I did.
Even if I would change some things, this is still my story, I still have those stories to tell. They have helped make me who I am. God taught me a lot back then, and I've learned a lot more about those years in the past 3 years since I left.
I loved reading this beav!!