Saturday, July 19, 2014

One Quick Trip

Another summer without working at Village Creek Bible Camp is coming to a close.  I knew I was going to visit this summer and Momma wanted to go to Horsefalls too.  We finally had a time to go and visit Alison and Autumn, and then it turned out Lu was going to be there too!  I don't think we could have accidentally planned that any better!

Momma and I started out Thursday morning and made it right about noon.  I walked to the dining hall and thought they had finished serving, but I got the school schedule and camp schedule mixed up!  That allowed for some time to visit and get practically tackled in the craft room by Lu!  It was so wonderful to see so many familiar faces and lots of new ones too!  I even saw many of my past campers!  I talked to many more people over lunch and Camie came and saw us all together and just said, "Everyone's together!  Such a happy time!" 

A part of the afternoon was spent hanging out in the craft room per usual when Lu and I worked there.  It was just like old times except I didn't have to do anything and that was weird!  I didn't have to help campers or other staff!  I was just there to visit.  I hardly knew what to do with myself!

 Momma and I then went to Lansing to go wander aimlessly around Horsefall's spending too much money, but having a great time!  I went with intentions of stocking up on embroidery blocks and floss and I sure didn't leave empty handed!  I'm excited to start on new sets and make more quilts!  We also visited the hardware store where we saw Laurie and Dani!  I missed that little girl!  We then headed for the usual day off pit stop at The Skinny Dip.  Dave brought Sam by too and then Laurie and Dani came back and then Alison, Lu, Tums, and Val joined up too!  It was such a cheerful trip filled with cheeseballs, chicken strips and ice cream!

Momma and I stayed in Decorah that night and after a couple games of Rummy it was time to call it a night!  The next morning we headed back to camp for more visiting and even a golf cart ride with Camie and a quick catch up conversation.  I have missed that place and those people!  After a quick lunch, it was time to head for home.  As I said goodbye to Tums and Alison the waterworks got turned on!  You would have thought I was saying goodbye after a whole summer instead of just an overnight trip!  They mean that much to me and I miss them that much because they don't live closer!  The good news is that I'm going back to camp in September as a camper!  I'm going for the Crafting and Quilting retreat!  :)  It's going to be perfect!  :)

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