Saturday, November 1, 2014

That Overused Word...BUSY

I feel like the term, 'I'm busy,' is the motto for adulthood.  I have been saying  it so much lately, and I have been putting off writing a blog for weeks!  I didn't post at all in October!  It is so crazy just how fast it went, but October was full and fun!

My kiddos at work keep me on my toes and I couldn't love my job any more than I do.  I am a practical zombie when I leave work so tired that I maybe only sing to one song the whole way home.  Stacy and I have been trying a new tactic to teach an equal amount and see all of our kids in their gen. ed. classrooms.  One week, I do all the teaching and she does all the observing and modifying as needed in gen. ed.  Then we switch.  It's been a strange, but good change with many benefits for all.  It's such a change in gears to go from teaching all day, to being on the other side and seeing what can be done for our students to get the most out of their gen. ed. time.

Some days are more draining and frustrating than others with a certain students' behaviors.  The baffling thing to us is how fast he can switch his emotions sometimes.  One day was rough for quite a long time and then at recess he finally came around.  At first he was grumping, we had ran some laps much to his dismay, and then a football came out, and slowly him and another student started running around, tackling one of my ladies and doing touchdown dances.  The laughter ringing around the playground that afternoon is something I will never forget.  My room is famous for bad dance moves, and I'm proud of it!

I've said it to the parents during conferences, to my principal, to my husband, to my friends, and practically everyone I talk to about my job; I can't believe I'm teaching the same kids!  They have truly come so far since May!  I have kids talking that didn't last year, adding when they hardly knew their numbers last year, writing when they didn't even hold a pencil correctly, and staying awake when I only saw them asleep in preschool.  I am the luckiest teacher to be able to have my kids for so many years and to be able to see the progress that I see.

Dustin and I have been busy ourselves with plowing under the garden with prayers for a better year next year, cutting wood for the coming winter, and doing little fixings to the house little bit at a time.  We are looking forward to redoing the bathroom floor and counter top in the coming weeks.  He helped me hang everything in my sewing room after Whitney helped me paint it a beautiful blue.

 I ADORE my new space, and so does Bonnie Blue.  Dustin and I are pretty sure it's her favorite room in the house, and if we can't find her, that's the place we've been looking lately.  I'm still slowly adding my things to the house.  My snowglobes finally revealed themselves when I decorated my sewing room.  Things got a little hairy when I tried to put them in a hutch with some of his decorative plates, but we worked through it!  :)

Between work and home, I have been terrible about correspondence with even my closest friends and family members.  I swore that wouldn't happen to me, but that was before working late, and figuring out our work schedule, and being a wife and a responsible adult.  I haven't even talked to our neighbors in weeks!  I am ready for Christmas break so I can get some correspondence done and catch up on things around the house.  But for now, I'll keep sewing little by little at night and talk when I feel up to it on my way home from work.  I think the pattern of my snoring says, 'busy, busy, busy...'

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