Saturday, March 7, 2015

Marathon Week

Conference week is a long one.  We often refer to it as Marathon Week.  Monday and Friday were the only days I was home at normal time.  And I was sewing trying to finish a bow tie quilt before Bonnie was able to take it all over the house!

The days were full with laughter and lessons taught to to really great kiddos.  The evenings were spent talking about our kids and what more we could do for them.  Truly, we didn't have a crazy conference schedule because they were covered or will be covered with IEP meetings.  We only had four, and they were on Thursday evening and Friday morning.  Having an open schedule like that makes the conferences take longer. 

On Tuesday, Stacy and I got a second desk!  Last year, Cindy and I shared, and it was alright because we only had one computer.  This year, Stacy and I both got a computer and we were sharing one desk.  It worked, but we were on top of each other.  We asked, and Loma delivered a new desk for us!  It was a little strange separating the things on 'our' desk onto our desks.  But we LOVE the space that each of us share.  And now, our desks are tidy and that's the first thing people mention when they enter our room.

 We seriously love our job!  Our conferences tended to go a little over the 20 minute allotment because we just had to tell one more story.  Friday was the busiest with 3 conferences in the morning, and then Stacy, Kelsey and I went to Taco John's.  It was Kelsey's first time, and I think she liked it very much!

All in all, it was a pretty great week filled with long days, bad dance moves, laughter, and loads of love poured into my kiddos!  Basically, I have the best job ever!

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