Monday, July 20, 2015

Pregnancy Perception

I realize that I haven't posted in soooo long!  It's been such a crazy, busy summer for me!  I thought I would finally write a post about the pregnancy journey I've experienced so far.

Dustin and I were both pleasantly surprised when a plus sign showed up in late April.  He rode a bit of a roller coaster for a while with his emotions.  I was just thrilled and tired.  For the first trimester my middle name was tired.  Before my ladies knew, they insisted I was fine and that I just needed to go to bed earlier.  Then I started eating quickly and hiding at my desk the rest of lunch.  I just became more reserved because I didn't want to spill my secret just yet.  Dustin told his grandpa and dad right away.  We decided to wait until after the ultrasound confirmation at 9 weeks.  I finally had to tell my ladies a week before then because I got cornered one day to ask if anything was wrong because I had been so quiet.

That first appointment was pretty cool.  It was so amazing to see our little peanut shaped baby on the screen.  It kicked and we could see it's heartbeat flickering away at 180 beats per minute.  Dustin was in shock.  We started by telling his parents.  Tammy knew something was up in the weeks before we told.  You just can't fool a mom or a nurse.  Steve is still getting used to the idea of being called Grandpa.  I went home and told my dad right away.  He was shocked.  After the initial shock wore off, he turned into a very happy grandpa.  This is #4 for my parents.  I told Abbey and Tim when they arrived at about 1AM.  The next day was  Peyton, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Karen.  Grandma had never really seen an ultrasound picture before, so it was pretty cool to point out things to her.  Finally, mom came home and I could shock her as well!  She is very happy to have another grandbaby on the way and especially one that is closer to home.  She can't wait to find out what we are having so she can start shopping!

Week 12 came with a check up and the finger prick/ultrasound for testing.  Our baby actually looked like a baby!  The first view was the top of it's head and its fists.  I was so enthralled watching, I just didn't want it to end!  I was about halfway through summer tutoring at the time and wondering what the heck I was thinking!  I was so tired that a couple of days I had to lay down and take a nap in between sessions!  By the end I would come home and get busy!  I started nesting and was cleaning windows at 8PM, or some other sort of crazy cleaning!

I've been feeling this jazzy feeling from time to time since before the 4th of July.  During the fireworks my belly was doing a happy dance!  Mom came up the next week and came with me for my 16 week appointment.  It lasted about 10 minutes and Mom got to hear the heartbeat at 152 beats a minute!  Tammy is thinking a girl from the heartbeat.  We will see in about 2 1/2 weeks what we will have!  :D

I have had 4 dreams that it's a girl.  Dustin has had a couple of girl dreams as well.  These scare him!  :)  I did the baking soda and ring tests, and they both leaned toward a girl.  We've got names picked for both genders that will not be revealed until the birth, so don't even bother asking!

I have truly been feeling great!  If I'm working in the garden, the heat wears me out faster that I thought it would.  I thankfully don't have to take a nap every day like I was doing.  My 2nd trimester headaches have slowed down, but again, it just depends on what I've been doing.  I've been eating great and working in the garden or walking daily.  I have been craving sweets!  If I get a bowl of ice cream, I get a scoop or two more than I usually would.  Pepsi sounds so good all the time, and Dustin has to drink it when he's not around me!

Bonnie has become more watchful.  She will lay where she can watch me from the bedroom, and if I go work in the kitchen, she will stake out a chair.  She also loves to check out any new baby stuff we bring in the house.  I know it will be an adjustment for her, but I think she will be the first to be in the room when the baby cries.

The weeks are flying by and it's hard to believe that in just a couple of weeks this journey will be halfway over and we'll know what gender we will be bringing into the world.  Yesterday at church, Dustin and I were brought to the front and prayed over.  Naturally, I cried.  I think I would have cried pregnancy hormones or not!  I have just been feeling so loved and blessed and I know that our baby is already loved and blessed by so many people.

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