Tuesday, February 2, 2016

6 weeks of wonderful

How on earth has it been 6 weeks since my beautiful son was born?!  The time has flown, and weather dependent, I will be going back to work tomorrow.  Yesterday, he went to day care for the first time, and I washed all of his 3-6 months clothes.  He is growing like a little weed and becoming so much more aware of the world around him.  He's starting to coo and make more noises and stay awake longer during the day.  He loves tummy time and kicking his legs when he's on his back.  Dustin shows him the deer hanging on our wall and talks to him about future hunts.

The first 2 weeks I was a zombie.  Changing diapers, nursing, and sleeping.  I was so sleepy that more than once I thought that the pillow I hug to my chest at night was August at my chest already.  When I was coming out of sleep to the sound of his cries, I couldn't understand why he was crying if he was already nursing!  Sleep deprivation at it's finest!  :)

I'm not looking forward to putting on 'real' clothes tomorrow to go back to work.  I've really enjoyed my over sized t-shirts and sweats or leggings.  The closest I've come to 'real' clothes is jeans and a nice shirt for church.

I have taken baby steps to get both of us used to not being around each other.  Grandpa and Grandmas have both had their turn babysitting so errands and a date could be had.

My 'best' accessory lately has been spit up on my shirt, worn like a badge of honor.  That is, until I can put him down and change into something else!  Sometimes, I'm not sure who goes through more wardrobe changes in a day, me or him!

I've always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and I think I would, if we could afford it.  Teaching gives me the balance of the stay-at-home/working mom.  I get to work, and have the summers off to be a stay-at-home mom.

I love feeding August, putting him on my chest to burp him, and then taking a little nap together.  Bonnie does not care for August.  She is scared, and keeps her distance.  It took her 3 weeks to even get close enough to sniff his feet.  Another 2 weeks to sniff his fingers with her neck stretched out as far as it could go.  She does watch him from a distance with curiosity.  Soon enough, she'll come around...or be running away from him when he tries to pull her tail!

I have truly loved the last 6 weeks at home with my baby, and I'm excited to see what the weeks will continue to bring with our little boy!

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