Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Berry Picking

It's that wonderful time of year again!  It's berry season!  Berry picking is one of my favorite summer pastimes and is quickly becoming a favorite of August's.

A few weeks ago we went and picked strawberries and August had so much fun!  We went with Whitney and Lynnae.  August instantly had strawberry juice on his white shirt-good choice, mom, and on his red and white sock.  He did pick and put many strawberries in the basket, some of them were a little green, but he knew what to do!  And then he tried to step on the strawberries...

And now it's time for black raspberries!   I picked one and gave him a bite and he was hooked!  August then started picking anything, even if it wasn't ready!  If he put one in the bucket, he took three out to put in his mouth!  He was reaching for the bucket the whole time.  We went the other day and I brought the carrier along just in case.  I snapped a branch and that was the end of him walking around.  He got so scared and a toddler throwing a fit in the berry patch is slightly terrifying!  He's at the stage where he sometimes throws himself down.  This was one of those time-and there are thorns EVERYWHERE!  It was hot packing him around on my back, but definitely safer!  I was worn out by the end!  Dustin went with us last night and got to pack August around.  He now understands a little bit more why I'm so tired at the end of the day!

Truth be told, we did not make it back to the house with very many berries at any given time, but we have been having so much fun!

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