Monday, February 5, 2018

Little House on the Prairie

It is finally finished!  I loved spending a cold, snowy, early out day putting the final stitches in my Little House on the Prairie quilt!  I started reading the Little House series in 3rd grade and have re-read them a few times since then.  I also have one student who I can geek out with because she loves the series and is so excited for me to show her the whole quilt instead of just a block at a time!  :)

I found this quilt along about  year ago.  I was doing one of my many scrolls through Pinterest and certain blocks kept popping up with a Little House label and I checked it out.  This mom has made this quilt with her daughters as they read through the books together.  How sweet is that?!  Someday, I hope to make this quilt again with a little girl or two of my own.  I have so many floral fabrics from Grammy's stash, and I don't know if I could have found a better quilt to use so many of them in!  I only bought a couple of small pieces to make the blocks.  I didn't have any solid black and I used almost the entire fat quarter in the crow and music note.  I had a 5 yard chunk that I bought from Hen & Chicks a couple of years ago that was just perfect for the back!  I learned how to paper piece (eye roll) and I used templates for the first time.  I also used the (WAY) easier pattern for the Dove in the Window that involved zero 8 pointed stars.

This one is going to be entered in the Marshall County Fair this summer and I am keeping this one for me!  I don't keep quilts very often, but this one is all mine!

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