So, here we are again, awaiting the arrival of a new little one. This time there are three of us feeling the baby move, talking to the baby, and giving kisses to my belly every day. This time there are three of us in on conversations about car seats and sleeping situations, clothes and diapers.
There are new and different things being done with this pregnancy, and there are things I haven't done at all or haven't done with as much vigor as the last time.
1. Belly pictures. I started having Dustin take pictures every 2 weeks when I hit 6 weeks with August. This time I took my first one at 16 weeks, and then forgot at 18. We'll shoot for another one at 20 weeks. The shirt is the same though. It's easier to see how much bigger I am this time around! :)
2. Reading the pregnancy book. I read it cover to cover last time. I've read many portions again, this time around, but I'm just relishing in the simple fact that this one is growing each and every day. We found out I was pregnant quicker than I did with August. You know more the second time around. I will be re-reading my labor book again though!
3. Pregnancy announcement. It was so easy the first time. We stood there. We didn't even have to smile, and we were wearing our props. Add a toddler and my perfect expectation on a hot sticky day...YEESH! It still turned out very nice, but not quite hitting the perfect expectation I was hoping for, no fault to our fabulous photographer.
4. The heat. Yuck! With August I spent the early hours of those hot, hot days in our garden and then would be comfortably spending the rest of the day in the house. I wanted to walk every morning this summer. We went exactly 2 times. I couldn't do the heat. Too much sweat and it just took my breath away. Dustin was my savior every night when he would come home and take August outside to play or to the lake to cool off.
5. Baby quilts. Last time, I was convinced it was a girl. I had the girl quilt finished and I was still on embroidery block 8 of 12 when we found out we were having a boy. I did not quilt August's baby quilt. It was quilted by the ladies of the Sigourney Historical Society which holds a very special place in my heart. This time, I am happy to report that both quilts are done. I used one of my Great Grandma Strupp's cookie cutters to stencils 18 oak leaves on. We will be ready for whatever God is blessing us with!
6. August heard a different hymn every night as I lay in bed. This poor younger sibling has basically only heard Deep and Wide when August and I sing before bed! :) This one, very much like August, loves worship time during church! They both moved around like crazy during that time. I think this will be one of the pregnancy memories that I will cherish the most!
7. I really didn't buy much for maternity clothes. I wore leggings and dresses the most. Not possible this time. I am promoting how much I love my maternity underwear and I'm never going back to regular! So comfy and I didn't realize how sensitive my stretch marks still were until I switched to these. So much better! I now have jeans that I love and feel so comfortable and confident in and I bought dress pants! This girl is ready for school! I also started wearing maternity jeans at the beginning of June. I didn't fight it at all this time.
8. Pillows rule! I used tons last time, and this time, I updated to an actual pregnancy body pillow and I have no regrets. I'm not giving this up either after babe is born!
We are still filled with so much excitement and anticipation as we await the arrival of our new little one! I'm not filled with a ton of joy about being gone in the middle of the year again, but having the gross feeling first trimester during the summer was great timing!
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