Friday, February 3, 2012

Floyd Homer Strupp

Today is my Grandpa Strupp's 80th birthday.  My grandpa makes me laugh so much.  I love his predictability.  I ALWAYS know how our phone conversations will go.  Usually, he doesn't say good-bye either.  Typically, he just hangs up the phone.

Whenever I go into their house, he will either be on the phone, taking a nap, playing cards, or watching TV with either the volume really high or muted.  I don't know if that TV has ever emitted a happy medium volume.  Whenever FFA comes up in a conversation, he always tells me of things that happened when he went to conventions.  Those stories are never short of entertaining.

My grandpa has worked hard all his life in the same town.  He is not the sitting around type, even though we often tease him about sleeping in and taking naps.

How often does it happen anymore that 3 generations play football at the same school?

My grandpa has taught me a lot.  He's taught me how to play Oh Heck, Dominoes, Solitaire, taught me about my family history, taught me about working hard, and has given me another marriage to look up to.  He has been married to my grandma for almost 60 years.  

A while back in Bible Study, I was talking about Grandpa.  They asked what his name was and I said, "Floyd."  They broke out in a smile and one said, "That is the perfect grandpa name!"  Yeah, it is.  It's one of the best!  :)

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!  :)

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