Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 2012

The Month of Love.  That is true.  I've seen God's love in so many situations this month.  I've had so many answers to prayer, and have seen Him work in so many wonderful ways.  Here's the highs and lows of the month of February.


  • Right off the bat, I missed my Grandpa's birthday on the 3rd.  Turns out I didn't really need to, but plans changed and weather made it difficult to get back, no matter how bad I wanted to.  I'm pretty sure he had a great day though, with a surprise birthday party and all.

  • I had to take a trip to the Registrar's office this month.  I hadn't heard back from the lady who does grad checks and I was beginning to get a little worried.  WE talked and I found out I need to take a class that I was not expecting, add that to a class that I had to drop, and I will be in May term plus a full Fall Semester to graduate in December and student teach in the spring.  I've got my work cut out for me!
  • This month, I was able to go to camp not only once, but twice.  The worst part?  I worked in the Dining Hall a lot and had a bad case of dry hands.  It took a few nights of intense lotion repair to get my hands soft and smooth again!
  • I started Phase 2 this month.  I think that I will be back and forth on this experience.  It is really giving me a glimpse into a real life classroom.  Fourth grade is not what I remember it to be!  Sometimes, it feels like I'm in a behavior disorder room rather than a 4th grade general education room.
  • I don't know why, but I've been using the word, surprising a lot lately.  I always leave out the "r" so it ends up being "suprising" with a red line under it.

  • Early on in the month, I applied for student teaching.  I'm continuing to gain excitement for it!  I will find out, hopefully in a couple of weeks, what region I will be teaching in.  My older brother is getting anxious for me to find out.  He wants us to be at the same school.  Maybe, I'll be rooting for the Pekin Panthers again.  Hopefully, I can still do the cheer that I had down from going to Matt Jones' football games.
  • I have the best friends, I really do.  I had 2 friends that got to take cool European trips in January.  I got 3 mini snowglobes from their adventures.  My momma also got me my first sandglobe from the Hoover Dam from my parents Vegas trip.

  • I was reunited with a friend from Hills.  It was a good Thursday night!
  • I was lucky enough to go to camp twice this month!  Ah, camp!  I got to go for the Faith Baptist retreat, and also for the 4 State Youth retreat.  I keep learning new things, and keep seeing lives changed.  God is so good!  :)
  • Phase 2 is on this list as well because I am gaining so much experience.  I feel like I'm really getting somewhere!  I have a great co-teaching partner, wonderful supervisors and two teachers that are helping us any way they can.  Kailynn and I started teaching this week, and have already been observed and have been given great, helpful feedback.  I love my 4th graders, even if they can be quite a handful sometimes.  5 more weeks left!
  • To dovetail the above high, my math methods professor from last semester has been going into the 4th grade classrooms at my school and helping implement their new math curriculum.  Kailynn and I both had him as our professor, and we were delighted to see him again.  We now see him weekly, and after our first encounter, he sent a very nice e-mail to our cooperating teachers saying how lucky they were to have us.  It was encouraging, to say the least.
  • One of my biggest dreams came true this month.  I got to see GEORGE STRAIT in concert!!!  Talk about one happy girl!  :)

Honestly, I had this month filled to the brim!  Through it all, God had me, and I know He will continue to have me.  I look back on week 1 of Phase 2 and the blog I wrote then.  I think that verse takes the cake for the month!

Lamentations 3:22-Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

This has to be my favorite picture of the month!  Momma Duck is reunited with her Ducklings!  :)

March, what will you bring?

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