Right now, this is my sewing station:
Yep, the kitchen table. This is not permanent by a long shot. Basically, if I don't have it all cleaned up by the time my mother gets home, she isn't too happy with me. You know I'm in deep when I have my blocks all laid out on the living room floor too.
That's one reason I like to do the sewing at Grammy's. We can spread out all over her big living room, she helps me cut, and is always there to chat the whole day through! The best is when we're both quilting side by side. Such a relaxing time!
Anyway, I have this crazy dream that will probably take a back seat when I have kids, but for now I'm hanging onto it. Someday, I want to have a room in my house that is devoted to sewing. I want a counter at just the right height so I can cut fabric to my heart's content. A nice rolling counter or an island of sorts would be nice. I want a permanent place for my sewing machine. It's such a pain to lug it up the stairs, and it never fits in the box the same. Maybe, with some hope, there will be room enough to be able to set up a quilt frame, but that is quite the long shot.
In this dream room, I dream of creating beautiful quilts, patching my children's clothing, and teaching my daughters how to sew just as my momma and grammys taught me. I hope to wear this Brother out in that room creating beauties such as this current project of Granny Squares.
Or more creations like this baby quilt. I want to be able to make these for my closest friends. This one already is a blue ribbon winner! :)
For now, though, I stick with the kitchen table and the counter. Big dreams typically start in small spaces. If my future husband proposes with a promise of this dream room, I just couldn't bear to say no to the man! :)
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