Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Wow.  I am now 25 years old and the day has flown by!  It's special days like these that remind me just how blessed I am, even on the ordinary days. 

Dustin and I both happened to be up around 2 am to go to the bathroom when he told me Happy Birthday for the first time.  I then got texts throughout the day from family and friends.  When I got to school, Stacy and Kelsey gave me cupcakes.  I got so many Happy Birthdays from co-workers and many more on Facebook.  Dustin surprised me by bringing a beautiful bouquet of flowers to my classroom with a card signed with his and the baby's name.  He also had 2 roses placed in the bouquet, one for him and one for the baby.  It also happened to be Birthday Bunch lunch for all the kids with birthdays in October so I got to hear a chorus of Happy Birthday while feeding one of my students.

On a cloudy, chilly day like to today, it's hard to believe that 25 years ago when my parents brought me home they had the AC on in the car!

Birthdays I feel are fun!  Who cares what the number is on the cake, have some fun with the fact that it is your day!  I have had so many memorable birthdays in my life.  I had so many sleepovers in elementary where we ran around outside until dark, played an N'SYNC game, and staying up so late!  We always had such a party at Donna and Errol's that included homemade hats and the singing candle!  My 16th birthday was very special too!  We basically had a block party (all of the neighbors within 5 miles of our house), with a potluck and it was the first birthday in the new house.  It was such a memorable evening.

Tonight, I'm already in my sweats, and Dustin is ordering a pizza.  We are celebrating bigger this weekend with a trip to pick up the baby's crib and go out to Texas Road House.  I'll let Dustin tell them it's my birthday, but there is no way I'm getting on that saddle this year!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Life on a Legal Pad

Before school ended, I couldn't remember squat.  My body was a hormonal rage and I was just plain tired and that lead to my memory being a big target.  Summer came and I got more sleep and wouldn't really forget anything.  Well, let me tell you, school is back in session, but not my memory.  I walk around with a pen in my hair and a legal pad in my hand.  At all times.  I write stuff down next to specific students' names, I write stuff down to remind myself to take care of later, I write stuff down to remind myself of conversations I've had.  I also have my ladies remind me in case I forget, because chances are I still will.

Everyone keeps asking me how I've been feeling.  I really have been feeling great, but I am starting to feel the affect of the weight.  My secretary made a comment about a waddle I seem to be developing.  I do feel it, but not until the end of the day when my tummy muscles and back are just plain tired.  My bed time is creeping closer and closer to 9 o'clock.  I've been walking at school after work because when I get home, I do 50 other things that need done, and then it's bedtime. 

My kiddos keep me going though, so during the day, I hardly have time to think about how tired I'm getting.  They are wowing me every day with something new they've learned, or something new they are finally doing after days of drilling it into them.  We really overhauled our program this year, and our kids are a part of the school in a way they haven't been before.  They are doing so much interacting with their classmates, and becoming more independent students.  I started tearing up at a meeting yesterday telling a mom how proud and amazed I am by her daughter.  These kids make my heart smile, and I continue to brag about them.  They hold such a special place in my heart.  It is so amazing to watch their relationship with their paraprofessional develop and change throughout the year.  They each learn things separately, together, and about each other.  They care so deeply for the child they have been placed with, and each lady wants their child to be pushed. 

Every day they do something that makes me laugh.  One of the girls was giggling so loudly and for so long one day that my belly was doing a little dance listening to her.  I love to hear each one laugh and I love to see their charming smiles.  One of my boys has been stopping me in my tracks lately, and reminding me to slow down and take in these moments.  He will say, "Miss Katie?  Miss Shannon cares."  or he will say another lady's name in her place.  The first time I heard it, I started to tear up.  He's maturing.  Then he will turn around and try to speak in a Boston accent while being there's that...

It's only halfway through September, but I'm already preparing for maternity leave.  Some of the teachers have told me horror stories of going early and not having any plans ready, and no sub.  Thankfully, I have a sub and she is great!  I know she will love my kiddos just as much while I am gone taking care of my baby boy.  I plan on sharing a snippet about each student and their relationship with their para.  I know I will have to keep it short, because you all know how I can go on and on about my kids!  I plan on typing it, so I will still have plenty of legal pads to use when I get back!  :)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

He Walks With Me

I've always loved walking.  I used to walk to the corner and back when I lived with mom and dad.  I love our road now because it's flat!  :)  A few nights ago, Dustin came with me and we took the dog.  This morning I took her and went by myself.

Picture this.  Hunting dog sniffing everything weaving from one side of the road to the other.  No leash, we use her yard chain that is super long.  Pregnant me in highlighter yellow being drug behind her, singing hymns.  Our orange tomcat following behind a few paces.  We a ragtag team, but thankfully we don't have much traffic!

This morning was BEAUTIFUL!  It was the perfect temperature and the sun felt joyful and warm as it kissed my skin.  I just feel such a release of pressure of everyday things when I walk.  Before I know it, I am spilling my guts out loud to God.  I get on a roll, and don't stop.  And then I sing.  I sing when I hang laundry on the line, and I've been singing a hymn a night to our little boy.  I've been singing hymns all my life, so why stop now?

Sometimes when I sing, I'm taken back to Sunday mornings singing classics like Power in the Blood, and I can almost feel the boom of Chuck Hicklan's powerfully deep voice.  I'm reminded of all those glorious mornings with the sun streaming in the windows as we worshiped. 

Today as I walked, one of my favorites came to mind.  In the Garden is just such a joyful song about spending time with the Lord.  It always leaves me feeling like I have just a little extra spring in my step.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

And if you need anything more to put a smile on your face after singing, just picture me being drug by the dog, out of breath, attempting to sing this beautiful tune.  :)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Pregnancy Perception

I realize that I haven't posted in soooo long!  It's been such a crazy, busy summer for me!  I thought I would finally write a post about the pregnancy journey I've experienced so far.

Dustin and I were both pleasantly surprised when a plus sign showed up in late April.  He rode a bit of a roller coaster for a while with his emotions.  I was just thrilled and tired.  For the first trimester my middle name was tired.  Before my ladies knew, they insisted I was fine and that I just needed to go to bed earlier.  Then I started eating quickly and hiding at my desk the rest of lunch.  I just became more reserved because I didn't want to spill my secret just yet.  Dustin told his grandpa and dad right away.  We decided to wait until after the ultrasound confirmation at 9 weeks.  I finally had to tell my ladies a week before then because I got cornered one day to ask if anything was wrong because I had been so quiet.

That first appointment was pretty cool.  It was so amazing to see our little peanut shaped baby on the screen.  It kicked and we could see it's heartbeat flickering away at 180 beats per minute.  Dustin was in shock.  We started by telling his parents.  Tammy knew something was up in the weeks before we told.  You just can't fool a mom or a nurse.  Steve is still getting used to the idea of being called Grandpa.  I went home and told my dad right away.  He was shocked.  After the initial shock wore off, he turned into a very happy grandpa.  This is #4 for my parents.  I told Abbey and Tim when they arrived at about 1AM.  The next day was  Peyton, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Karen.  Grandma had never really seen an ultrasound picture before, so it was pretty cool to point out things to her.  Finally, mom came home and I could shock her as well!  She is very happy to have another grandbaby on the way and especially one that is closer to home.  She can't wait to find out what we are having so she can start shopping!

Week 12 came with a check up and the finger prick/ultrasound for testing.  Our baby actually looked like a baby!  The first view was the top of it's head and its fists.  I was so enthralled watching, I just didn't want it to end!  I was about halfway through summer tutoring at the time and wondering what the heck I was thinking!  I was so tired that a couple of days I had to lay down and take a nap in between sessions!  By the end I would come home and get busy!  I started nesting and was cleaning windows at 8PM, or some other sort of crazy cleaning!

I've been feeling this jazzy feeling from time to time since before the 4th of July.  During the fireworks my belly was doing a happy dance!  Mom came up the next week and came with me for my 16 week appointment.  It lasted about 10 minutes and Mom got to hear the heartbeat at 152 beats a minute!  Tammy is thinking a girl from the heartbeat.  We will see in about 2 1/2 weeks what we will have!  :D

I have had 4 dreams that it's a girl.  Dustin has had a couple of girl dreams as well.  These scare him!  :)  I did the baking soda and ring tests, and they both leaned toward a girl.  We've got names picked for both genders that will not be revealed until the birth, so don't even bother asking!

I have truly been feeling great!  If I'm working in the garden, the heat wears me out faster that I thought it would.  I thankfully don't have to take a nap every day like I was doing.  My 2nd trimester headaches have slowed down, but again, it just depends on what I've been doing.  I've been eating great and working in the garden or walking daily.  I have been craving sweets!  If I get a bowl of ice cream, I get a scoop or two more than I usually would.  Pepsi sounds so good all the time, and Dustin has to drink it when he's not around me!

Bonnie has become more watchful.  She will lay where she can watch me from the bedroom, and if I go work in the kitchen, she will stake out a chair.  She also loves to check out any new baby stuff we bring in the house.  I know it will be an adjustment for her, but I think she will be the first to be in the room when the baby cries.

The weeks are flying by and it's hard to believe that in just a couple of weeks this journey will be halfway over and we'll know what gender we will be bringing into the world.  Yesterday at church, Dustin and I were brought to the front and prayed over.  Naturally, I cried.  I think I would have cried pregnancy hormones or not!  I have just been feeling so loved and blessed and I know that our baby is already loved and blessed by so many people.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

S'more Last Day of School Fun

I know I say it every time I write about my kiddos, but seriously, I LOVE MY JOB!!  My second year of teaching is in the books, my standard license is on its way.  My kids have made so much progress in so many areas, and I have felt myself grow into a more confident teacher.  My kids amaze me everyday, and naturally, they had some of their biggest breakthroughs in the last month of school.  We spent the last week of school learning about camping!  We read around a TP roll and tissue paper fire, had a tent, and made s'mores.  We 'roasted' marshmallows over our fire and the kids loved their s'mores that my ladies made in the microwave.  we all had marshmallow all over our faces, but the smiles all told me the mess was worth it! 

4th graders-  One of my fourth graders has gone from a fighting mad boy to a talkative story teller who can add, tell time, and write so much better than he did at the end of last year.  He has been transitioning to the next school for the last 6 weeks, and the time was so bittersweet.  We are so excited for him and all he will accomplish in the coming years.  I cried as he walked out that door on Friday.

My other little fourth grader gets to stay one more year.  After much deliberation and pros and cons lists, we decided another year would be best for her.  She has come so far in the last few months by answering yes/no questions.  We worked on it last year, but the pictures were on one strip.  Who knew that cutting the pictures apart would make a difference?!  She is also starting to walk into the bathroom when she feels the urge!  Seriously, potty training is a big deal in my classroom.

3rd graders-  Conversationally he has come very far compared to last year.  He is starting to ask better questions, and is learning how some of the things he says don't relate to the topic at hand.  He has gained friends this year.  His mom has gotten to see this outside of school. We've worked on independence this year, and on the second to last day of school, he took books back to the library for me and came right back, all by himself.  It made me sooooo happy to watch him walk back to me with a big smile on his face!

My other little guy has started to respond more.  He is actually starting to understand how his eyes are being used to communicate and how by him hitting a switch is giving him a chance to respond.

1st graders-  My little girl has blown everyone out of the water.  She is so smart and she went farther than any of us expected her to go this year.  Once we tapped into the fact that she can write answers, it opened up so many doors.  On the last day of school, she was answering what her favorite part of first grade was.  Her answer?  'My teachers helping me talk.'  Boom.  The majority of my kids aren't able to express feelings like that.  It made my tear up when I heard.

My other little guy has amazed us with all the secrets he kept last year.  He is able to read.  The words he is able to verbally read is growing.  He can count, it still takes plenty of practice, but compared to last year, he is a whole different kid.  He loves to follow the examples of his peers in first grade, and has hugs that can literally take you to the floor.  His smile is only gone from his face when he is sleeping, or really tired.

Kindergartener-  This little girl keeps us giggling all day long.  Seriously, some days that's all she does is just sit in her chair rocking and giggling with this big gap-toothed smile on her face.  She has gotten so tall and so smart!  She has kept us on our toes with thinking of new ways to get her to tell us what she knows.  She is able to build sentences, add, subtract, and spell some words.  Sometimes the battle is getting her to pay attention.  She knows, you just have to get her focused enough to answer the question.  This girl is full of sass! 

The team I get to be a part of is beyond amazing.  each of my ladies has a heart of gold, and we could not do what we do for these kids without everyone's help and each of us working together.  If you walk into my classroom, it does look like a flurry of activity, but if you stay long enough, you will see my ladies picking up where another one left off.  One goes to help with a student, another steps in to keep feeding, one lady starts with a student until hers gets to school.  My team is so vast, but so helpful.  The team includes teachers, a speech teacher, 6 paraprofessionals, principal, AEA reps, PT/OT, and anyone else we need to call in!  At the end of the day, I could not be more blessed to work in the room I work.  I love to talk about my kiddos and all the funny things they do!  It is just so crazy that I am done with round 2!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Married Milestones

Well, we made it folks!  Dustin and I have been married for a year!  Some days it seems like it was just yesterday, and some days it seems like it was years ago! 

Our first year of marriage has been full of bliss, but we have had our newlywed share of fights and disagreements.  I always tell him that there is no one I'd rather fight with, take a break, talk about it, pray about it and make up with than him.  We've fought about the usual things like money, and we've also fought about my things and moving his things.  He had a hard time even changing the direction of the loveseat, or getting rid of his dirty stained bed sheets.  I guess that's what happens when a man lives by himself for 5 years before someone comes along!  I mean, I did changes gradually.  I did the bathroom and bedroom coverings as soon as they were bought, but my sewing room didn't get put together until October which meant my treasured snow globes stayed tucked away in their boxes until then.  Then Hobby Lobby opened and I had to lay the new fabric for the pillows on the couch for a couple weeks, just to let him get used to the idea of new pillows!

And we've had our fair share of fun in the kitchen.  Probably about a month after we got married, we were having the very fancy frozen pizza for supper.  I was sooooooo hungry!  I still don't even know how it happened, but all of a sudden, that pizza hit the wall and slid down...  I almost cried and then decided to laugh hysterically instead.  And then there is our differences in cooking.  I can make a whole meal while using under 5 dishes and I've gotten better at 'cleaning as I go' as my mother suggested I needed to do.  Dustin, my dear sweet Dustin uses almost every dish he can find and covers all the counters in dishes and food and crumbs and it sits there for days.  Our most fun is when we cook together.  Our specialty is meatloaf, where more than once he's tried to tease me and claim he lost his ring while mixing the meat!  He always keeps my heart racing!

And we've had plenty of new additions this year!  A week after we got married, we had a little black and white baby show up, and she's been around ever since.  Our home is just a little cozier with Bonnie Blue in it.  In the fall when our garden got plowed under, we added a little more room for more tomatoes!  Because we didn't get enough salsa made, and Dustin is just a little ambitious!  In December we added 7 more acres of land where we will someday build a house.  Around March, Dustin decided we didn't have enough trucks older than 20 years old, so he bought a 1974 Chevy with a lift box in the back to be used for wood.  And then at Easter, that was the best running truck, so we added a 2010 big red Chevy.  Along with all these things we've added more bills!  but isn't that what happens in life! 

We've also made some subtractions in our year together.  We've gotten rid of all of the tattered, worn out, stained sheets, blankets, and towels of his bachelor days.  We've gotten rid of all the outdated food from when it was too lonely for him to eat at his house and would rather eat at his parents house.  And I think our saddest goodbye was when the '94 Chevy drove down the road with a new owner.  This is the truck where we shared our first kiss, and the truck that brought us to our house on our wedding night. 

We spent our anniversary waking up in our own bed just the way we woke up on our first morning as a married couple.   We went to church where we were serenaded with 'Happy Anniversary' by the congregation.  Then for lunch, Dustin took me out to Mexican which has become his favorite restaurant.  For the afternoon we came home and took a nap snuggled on the couch with Bonnie resting close by.  The evening will probably end with popcorn and cards, just the way we like it.

We've made so many of our married dreams come true this year, but we still have plenty more dreams to fulfill together.  Good thing we're sticking together for the next 50 to 60 years, or however many we are blessed to share together!  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Girl Meets World

Ok, confession time.  Last year while living alone, I blew through all the seasons of Boy Meets World.  Thanks to Alison for letting me borrow them!  :)  Now, I've been watching the spin-off Girl Meets World.  It definitely has a Disney Channel vibe, but it is so good!  It's got all the crazy Cory stunts, classic Cory and Shawn bromance, and now, Riley and Maya, the girl version of Cory and Shawn.  The theme song makes me get up and dance, no matter what I'm doing!  It's so catchy and so true!

I've been waiting
For a day like this to come
Struck like lightning
My heart's beating like a drum
On the edge of something wonderful
Face to face with changes
What's it all about?
Life is crazy
But I know I can work it out
'Cause I got you to live it with me
I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world
Light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn I'm singing "go-o-o"
Oh oh oh oh
Take on the world, take on the world
Take on the world
Take on the world, take on the world
Take on the world
 So the girls are the best of friends.  They do crazy stunts together, go to class together, hang out at each others houses, talk about boys, having fights, and giving tough love.  Every episode has some underlying theme that connects to my friendships with my top ladies!  I've been there with all of them!  We've talked about boys and other tough stuff.  Now, we're talking about husbands, and babies, and bills.  I've been in their weddings, and they've been in mine.  With everything, we give each other tough love, but real love.  We take on so many things together, and every day is something wonderful to experience with them, or excitedly tell them about over the phone or a good meal.
It's just so important to keep up our friendships and the best friendships are the ones that pick up right where you left off the last time you talked!  As this girl continues to meet the world, I couldn't imagine having any other girls by my side!

And then, sometimes, you just need to wear a Disney shirt and go see a princess movie, even if you are 24.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Whale Watching

What a week it has been!  I decided last weekend that my hair NEEDED to go!  I was going to wait a few more weeks, but I just couldn't stand my ponytail getting caught under my armpit anymore!  I made the appointment and counted down the days!

We've been learning about the ocean for the past few weeks and the kids have loved the different crafts and experiences we've had!  And I stepped it up this week!  I wish I could share all the pictures of them in goggles, and in the boats.  The laughter that we had made me about wet my pants more than once!

On Thursday I did a lesson on identifying ocean scenes through the use of yes and no.  My students have a hard time with this concept.  They all had on goggles and we pretended we were swimming and then I would hold up a scene and say, "Is this the ocean?" and then they would hold up a yes or no card.  I handed out the goggles before I gave directions.  Wrong move.  By the time they got the goggles on, I was laughing HYSTERICALLY because they were all too small and my kids' faces were getting all smushed in such a cute way!  Oh yeah, and I was getting observed by my mentor!  She got a kick out of it!  Later that day we made binoculars to use the next day for whale watching.  The kids were loving them!

That night I had to paint the boats, so I stayed late jamming to George Strait while I painted.  I really only tried my hardest on one side of the first boat.  The other sides weren't as good, but I see us doing this again in a few years, so there is room for improvement!  And then I thought we could do an African theme next year and take them on a safari and do a jeep ride!  Oh the possibilities!

Friday I was giddy!  I even wore my hair down for the last day!  My neighbor let me borrow some Hawaiian shirts so Stacy and I looked like tour guides.

And so we set off!  The ladies all had an animal and they were making noises and the dolphin even sprayed the kids!  The shark came from around the corner and I don't think I'll ever forget the laughter and smiles the kids had!  Teachers we met in the hall acted like they were swimming and the paper dragging on the floor even sounded like a boat cutting through the water.  It was so much fun and it was my workout for the day because one of my kids wasn't helping that much with his feet on the outside of the wagon...

The kids got out early so Kelsey, Stacy, Kelly, Jacob and I went out to Culver's because I had been craving it since last week!  Those chicken strips and Turtle Sundae never tasted sooooo good!  :)  It was even better in good company!

Dustin, Lu, and Alison were all against me cutting my hair.  I had to prepare them.  I showed Dustin where it was getting cut too.  I kept reminding him that it will grow back.  It was time, and when my student grabbed a huge chunk to pull, it was even more of a confirmation that it needed cut.  I don't need it anyway, and it grows so fast that I can do this every few years.

It feels so good to have short hair again!!!!  :)  I love it!  I know for a while I will still end up with huge globs of shampoo in my hand, but the adjustment will come!  Just in time for summer!!  :D

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Marathon Week

Conference week is a long one.  We often refer to it as Marathon Week.  Monday and Friday were the only days I was home at normal time.  And I was sewing trying to finish a bow tie quilt before Bonnie was able to take it all over the house!

The days were full with laughter and lessons taught to to really great kiddos.  The evenings were spent talking about our kids and what more we could do for them.  Truly, we didn't have a crazy conference schedule because they were covered or will be covered with IEP meetings.  We only had four, and they were on Thursday evening and Friday morning.  Having an open schedule like that makes the conferences take longer. 

On Tuesday, Stacy and I got a second desk!  Last year, Cindy and I shared, and it was alright because we only had one computer.  This year, Stacy and I both got a computer and we were sharing one desk.  It worked, but we were on top of each other.  We asked, and Loma delivered a new desk for us!  It was a little strange separating the things on 'our' desk onto our desks.  But we LOVE the space that each of us share.  And now, our desks are tidy and that's the first thing people mention when they enter our room.

 We seriously love our job!  Our conferences tended to go a little over the 20 minute allotment because we just had to tell one more story.  Friday was the busiest with 3 conferences in the morning, and then Stacy, Kelsey and I went to Taco John's.  It was Kelsey's first time, and I think she liked it very much!

All in all, it was a pretty great week filled with long days, bad dance moves, laughter, and loads of love poured into my kiddos!  Basically, I have the best job ever!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Pile of Projects

I have said for the past few years that I am turning into my grandmother in my early twenties.  And I just can't help myself.  I tidied up my sewing room today and did a little rearranging.  I have 5 quilts that need to be quilted and 4 more that are in various stages of completion...  That's not even counting the I Spy Quilts that I have a center square ready for embroidery...there's another 4, and two different sets of scraps that I have ideas for.  And an apron to put a waistband on.  And I feel like I could go on...  because I have loads of embroidery blocks I've bought over the years.

Hobby Lobby opens in Marshalltown on Monday.  It's 30 seconds away from work.

I love getting started on a new quilt.  I love fabric shopping or just rooting around in my scraps for an idea of what to do next.  I get started really well.  I cut, sew blocks, get everything laid out, and then I start to slow down.  The end of each quilt is near.  The closer I get to the end, it's sometimes harder for me to keep going.  I love quilting, but sometimes I don't want to be done with a quilt because I know it could take a while before I get another quilt in.  It's weird, I know, but it's like a door getting shut when I put that last stitch in place.  I get a little bi-polar with completing a quilt, because when it's done I'm so excited!  I love showing Grammy and dangling it in front of my friends in hopes of a new baby coming soon.

Bonnie, pre-cleaning on a pile of baby quilts.

I got a load of old quilting magazines from the other Jean, Grammy's best friend and quilting partner.  This isn't helping my pile either...  I didn't find many projects, but I did find a couple I've marked.  One article had the perfect quote that describes by bi-polar attitude towards finishing a quilt.

A quilt in progress is a constant companion, but the pain of letting each one go at the completion is eased by the excitement of beginning a new one.

The pile I'm currently working on will be completed before I know it, and replaced by a new pile of colors and seams stitched together while I watch I Love Lucy or a Disney movie, and getting some love from Bonnie.  Evey quilt I've made since we've had her has had just a little bit more love.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Just Right

How many times I've said 'just right' this week, I don't know if I could count.  We've been reading folktales/fairy tales, and this week my focus was Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  You know the drill, big bowl/chair/bed-too hard, medium bowl/chair/bed-too soft, small bowl/chair/bed-just right.  I feel like that is how my journey and now our journey has been to find a 'just right' church.

I grew up in a small church where everyone knew who I was and watched me grow up.  I grew up going to church, singing hymns with the sun shining in through the windows, and getting loads of handshakes and hugs. 

Then I went to college.  I was in for culture shock my first few Sundays, and I never really adjusted to the big church idea.  There were multiple locations and multiple services in one church, so many on the pastoral staff, and just sooooo many people.  This works for some people, but not the introvert, old fashioned girl that I am.  I just never felt very comfortable, or excited for church because I never found the one that was just right for me.

Then student teaching started and I went with the Abrahamson's to their church which had a branch in Cedar Falls.  This was a whole new bit of culture shock because of the video pastor from the main church.  This was way bizarre for me!  And church was held in an old theater,so there were no windows for the sun to stream in.  Again, it was a huge church, and I didn't know that many people.  Again, it wasn't just right for me.  Dustin started coming to it with me too when we started dating, but he kind of felt the same way I did.  It wasn't just right for us.

Finally, for a while, our lives have slowed down a bit and we are at home more weekends than we are away.  We were finally able to try a church closer to home, and much more like the church setting that I've been searching for.  Dustin had been invited many times before we met, and we finally took up the invitation.  It's the small crowd type of church.  There are plenty of hugs and handshakes.  There is sunlight streaming through the windows.  There are hymns.  We both feel so happy at this church.  After many months of praying off and on about finding a church, we have found one that is just right for us.  I am so excited to continue to attend, and someday raise our babies in this church.  It has been a long time coming and quite a season of change, but it feels good to have found a new home church that is full of believers, loads of fellowship, and just a short drive down the road.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Not An Excuse

January started out pretty tough, and it's still a struggle at points, but then again, that's kind of how life goes, isn't it.

The last three weeks I have not been myself.  I have a 5 year old student that has been in the Children's Hospital and has since been sent home under the care of Hospice.  What a blow.  And the worst part was that the majority of these phone calls happened at 8am.  Not the ideal start to the morning.  My husband's goal at night was just to make me laugh, after holding me while I bawled my eyes out and cried my throat practically hoarse.

Please do not get me wrong.  I love my job.  I just wish that I didn't have to do it.  What I mean is simply every parent's wish for their child.  I wish that my students were able to lead healthy lives.  I wish that all my parents didn't have to worry about things like Hospice, or teachers contacting their doctors for input.  I wish my students were able to tell us why they get angry, frustrated, or when they just want/need to be alone.  I wish my students were able to tell their parents they are sick of the fish sticks that get sent nearly every day...and that they are yucky (and that the teachers hate the smell of them...).  I wish my students could tell us they don't feel good, or are tired, or miss their absent parent.

With all this being said, I don't let these things become an excuse for my students.  We push our kiddos.  We push them just enough that is challenging.  We want them to use their communication devices, because they can't outright say, "I'm sick of these stupid fish sticks!"  We give them so many opportunities to work hard and be pushed, but we also have so many moments of fun.

With one of our girls, a fellow classmate kept saying my student wasn't able to do what the rest of the group was doing.  It has been our goal all year to keep showing this girl that our students are able to do the same thing, even if they have a different way of doing it. 

My students can still do so many of the things that gen. ed. kiddos can do.  They just do it differently.  None of us let our students get by with much.  We keep the high expectations in the room and the excuses at the door, no matter what my students are labeled as.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Bikini and Boots

Instead of presents in the Schuett house this year, we took a trip to Wisconsin Dells over New Year's.  So there we were, in one truck with the bed full of stuff, one Equinox, filled with stuff, and 8 people ready for water parks, and just getting away from it all.

Monday morning when I woke up with an even stuffier nose than the day before and a sorer throat, I warned Dustin that I was going to be miserable in Wisconsin.  And to an extent, it did hinder some of my fun, but I still had a blast on my first trip to the Dells.

When we got there, it took us three trolleys to get all of our stuff up to our condo.  There is no other way I would want to do this with 8 people!  We all had our own space with loads of extra!  It never once felt like we were on top of each other.  We had 2 bathrooms, a hot tub, kitchen, a dining room table, a home away from home.

We got suited up and headed to the main resort with all the water parks.  Ashley and Cory made Dustin and I go down the Black Hole.  Free fall in the dark?  Check.  Water squirted into your face?  Check.  Huge toilet bowl like swirl?  Check.  Getting turned around backwards in your tube?  Check.  Loads of fun?  CHECK!  I was a little scared at first, and I was the last to go down, but I got over it!  Next we went to the wave pool.  Those waves could have knocked us flat.  At another point, I took out a guy on a giant wave!  You get exhausted floating in that pool.  They also had a swim up margarita bar that had my fancy!  Walking to the next pool, I only had my boots.  You bet I rocked that bikini and boots as much as I could!  The next day Dustin wore his boots (with flames), camo swim trucks, and a cut off American flag shirt.  He's my Redneck Romeo!  :)

The boys stayed up and played cards.  On New Year's Eve, I went to bed shortly after 10.  That cold really sucked the party right out of me.

The next morning we hit up the antique stores.  The Schuett family is big into old crocks.  And basically, if you want to get along with the Schuett family, you better like antiques!  I love not knowing what you could find in antique stores!  I found a Cooking with F.R.I.E.N.D.S cookbook!  And I could not pass that up!  :)  We spent the rest of the afternoon in the water parks before heading to supper at a local bar.  We had one of the best waitresses ever!  She was hysterical with her Polish accent, sarcasm and wit.  There was also some of the best steak eaten there!  So thick and juicy and at 32 oz., seemingly endless!

Yesterday, we headed off to do Lazer Tag and Go-Karts.  Lazer Tag was hysterical!  I've never been before and about 2 steps into the room, Ashley fell face first on the ramp!  I almost fell over laughing at her and Dustin made sure she was okay before shooting her!  I laughed so hard at shooting someone and then getting shot from behind by one of my brother-in-laws!  After that we hit the Go-Karts.  That proved to be full of laughs too!  We were all hitting each other and passing like crazy!

We did the pool a while more before getting some appetizers and drinks and chatting with a couple of guys that we made friends with.  This family is full of extroverts, and I'm still adjusting to that fact!  We headed back to the room, ordered food and half of us went to bed early and the other half went down to the pool.

Today, we made the decision to come home early with a normal time length rather than tomorrow, through a snowstorm.  It was a very fun trip, and I am very glad we came home today safe rather than sorry tomorrow.

And after being gone for 3 days, Bonnie seems to have forgotten everything that we have taught her...or she is still mad at us for leaving!  :)