Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Extended Stay

Last week was bliss.  I was home.  I cleaned, sorted, got rid of so many things from my room.  I baked, wandered around outside with Ruby, and sat at my sewing machine.  All this to distract me as I waited for phone calls about interviews.

Wednesday I got a call about an interview for Thursday.

Thursday I got a call from the principal at the school I just left.  He said that my mentor teacher would be out for the rest of the year and was wondering if I could get my license soon and be willing to take over for her for the rest of the school year.

Is that really a question?

I started making calls as soon as I could so I could get back to that classroom of kids as soon as I could.  They all wanted me to stay anyway, so why not give them a fake out of about 2 weeks and show up again?  :)

As of Monday afternoon, I am a licensed practitioner in the state of Iowa!!!  What a great feeling that is to know that all the classes, field experiences, late night homework, big tests, student teaching, and the writing of my TWS are worth it!

I started today instead of yesterday because I had 2 interviews yesterday.  I think they went well and I'll know by the end of the week.

When I came back today, it was like I hadn't left at all.  Some of the students didn't even acknowledge my prior absence and greeted me like I had been there the whole time.  Others came in with exclamations of seeing me again.  Over and over I explained that I would be staying just a little while longer.  7 more days and I will really have to leave.  But until June 3rd, I'm thankful for God's provision with a job that I love.

Please take some time to pray for my mentor teacher though.  She's had to undergo some surgery and will be in the hospital for about the next week.

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