Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In Limbo

I'm sitting at school torn.  I'm torn because I absolutely love what I'm doing.  I love the fact that I'm subbing and gaining more teaching experience and spending more time with the kiddos that I love.  I love the fact that I will be spending my last summer before the start of my career at home.  I'll spend plenty of time at Gramps and Grammy's.  She's been working on a list for me.  Mom has too...  I'll be driving back and forth to visit Dustin and he'll be driving back and forth to visit me.  I'll be in the kitchen, at my sewing machine, and outside...I'll probably pick and eat my fair share of berries like usual.  I'll be teaching Ruby a new trick or two.  I'll be working in the garden and growing flowers.  I'll be sleeping in.

Friday started staff training at camp.  Every day since then, I've been thinking, "If I was at camp right now, this is what I'd be doing."  I'd be doing team building, getting to know new staff, being goofy with Lu Bird, Tums, and Gwen, I'd be all but unplugged from Facebook and my phone, I'd be sending snail mail and spending time with my Bible and journal on a bench next to the crick watching the water flow.

I'm just ready to stop moving.  I love camp, but I'm glad to not be moving weekly and not be living out of a suitcase for the summer.  With the moving topic, I know I'll be moving in August.  I've already been going through my stuff and organizing in ready anticipation.  I just want to be somewhere with a little more permanence than knowing I'll have to pack up and move again in a matter of days, weeks, or months.

Right now, I don't feel like the 'lives in' category on Facebook really pertains to me.

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