Sunday, February 17, 2013


This weekend was full of so many wonderful memories.  Naturally, I didn't capture a single one on camera.  But that's alright, because sometimes, a camera cannot pay justice to the moment.  My sweet memories of this weekend will be held onto tightly.

Friday night was a surprise birthday party for Grammy.  I was running behind because I had to stay after school for a little while and grade papers and such.  I might have been going a little fast as I drove home.  When I pulled into their driveway, I noticed a different car.  I creeped on the plates and noticed it was from North Carolina.  My instant thought was my sister.  I could hardly believe it!  I popped in and everyone was excited to see me finally arrive.  Abbey pops her head around the corner and my heart was smiling pretty hard!  You know it's pretty great when one can pull off such a surprise as Abbey and Tim did that night for us all!  It was such a thrill to eat, laugh, talk, and play cards with my family.  My card night was an up and down roller coaster ride, that's for sure!  Abbey and I got to have sister catch up time before bed.  It's one of those things that I always look forward to when we're together!

Saturday brought the send off of Tim and Abbey as they needed to head back to NC.  The rest of the day was spent in constant motion.  I dinked around doing a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.  Laundry, trip to Ottumwa, quilting, going to the library, and lesson planning consumed my time until supper.  In Ottumwa while at Wal-Mart, I ran into my sister-in-law and my niece.  This was one happy aunt!  I wasn't expecting that at all, so that definitely lifted my spirits!  I keep stitching away, and my quilt seems to be getting smaller, little by little.  I didn't see Ruby on Friday night when I made it home, but I made sure to be the first one she saw on Saturday morning.  I let the barn door swing open, and that little blonde body just about took me out!  Basically, the feelings of excitement was mutual!  I made sure to get plenty of wrestling in with her this weekend! :)

Sunday was amazing!  I have one of the best church families ever!  Not only will any boyfriend of mine need to be approved of by my biological family, but my church family as well.  I had all of the ladies asking me about everything!  I love them all and I love how they still treat me as if I still live at home.  GREAT NEWS!!!  Teresa Hoffman is doing well!  No more chemo for her!!  This is such exciting news and hopefully the next time I'm back I'll be able to see her in church!  :)  After lunch, Daddy and I caught Spinelli.  She had a wonderful lesson followed by an ear piercing.  She now has a green tag to match her momma's tag!  I also had the wonderful time to sit on my gate and drink in the barnyard peace.  I was able to give things to God and just sit in His presence.  Ruby and I wrestled and played fetch for a while longer.  After a while, I headed with my country music to the basement.  I feel like I've been working on this quilt for so long!!  It looks great, but I'm ready to get it done.  Sadly, I won't be able to show it to my 3rd graders before I go.  I stitched as much as I could while listening/singing to George Strait, Johnny Cash, and Chris Young before it was time to head back to Grinnell.

I have one week left of being completely in charge.  Last week was a little rocky with the change in authority, but here's hoping this week will be better!  :)

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